RUN: Máme nového člena rodiny / RUN: We have new member of CBR family
--- English follows ---
Dnes k nám dorazil nový člen rodiny - Riverrun Hugs of Tehov, řečený Run ("Ran"). Narodil se 2. března 2024 v Irsku chovatelce Mary Murray v chovatelské stanici Riverrun, informace o rodičích najdete v průkazu původu na jeho stránce. Po dlouhé cestě ho nakonec do cíle přivezla naše rakouská kamarádka Gerlinde Boross i s celou její smečkou. Run si teď hlavně bude musel odpočinout, seznámit se s jeho novou babičkou Borynou a pak se mu začneme věnovat naplno.
--- English ---
Today we obtained new member of our family - Riverrun Hugs of Tehov (to be called Run). He was born on March 2nd, 2024 in Ireland to breeder Mary Murray in Riverrun kennel. The more information about the parents, pedigree etc. you will be able to see at his personall page in the English part of the websites. After the long journey, he was delivered by our Austrian friend Gerlinde Boross, who came with her entire chesapeakes gang. Run will need to have some rest after the travelling, get familiar with his new grandma Bora and then we will focus on all the aspects that chesapeake needs.